VOLUNTEERJoin us help make senior wishes come true!
We can use your unique gifts and talents in ways you never imagined. Help with marketing, donations, granting wishes, decorations, video production, publicity and more. Any amount of time you can spare will be greatly appreciated. Contact Andrea at 860-918-3012. |
Donate TodayHelp us make seniors feel appreciated!
There is no donation too big or too small because every dollar you contribute goes to making the wishes of our seniors come true. If you work for a company that matches donations, please let them know you are contributing to Twilight Wish CT.* |
*Make sure to note your donation is for the Twilight Wish CT Chapter

“Twilight Wish validates the contributions
seniors have made to make the world a better
place. I can’t think of a better mission for an
-Hank Daignault